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How Can I Outsource Benefits Administration?
How Can I Outsource Benefits Administration?
Outsourcing benefits administration can streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve employee satisfaction. Here’s a guide to help you understand how to effectively outsource benefits administration:   Section 1: Introduction   Definition of Benefits Administration Benefits administration encompasses the management of employee benefits programs, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. Efficient administration is crucial...
Do Employee Referral Programs Negatively Affect Diversity In The Workplace?
Do Employee Referral Programs Negatively Affect Diversity In The Workplace?
By SHRM Daily Newsletter   Employee referral programs are typically an effective and convenient method of recruitment for employers. The process is a cost-effective measure that can be used to tap into a large, qualified talent pool and can yield higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. Candidates obtained through an employee referral program are usually...
Your Vital Employee Evaluations
Your Vital Employee Evaluations
How often should performance evaluation be conducted? There are different opinions on that, okay? I believe that it should be ongoing. I believe there should be some type of formal review once a year. So that you can just sit down and discuss in general the performance. What the company is doing for the individual...
The Risk of Company Social Events
The Risk of Company Social Events
Dealing with social events as an employer, an employer-sponsored social event, you know, having a holiday party, you, while you want everybody to have a great time and promote, you know, everybody wants to go out and have a few drinks. You really, as the employer, you could be held liable if that employee ends...
How Can Benefits Administration Help My Business?
How Can Benefits Administration Help My Business?
Benefits administration plays a crucial role in the success of any business. By efficiently managing employee benefits, companies can improve workforce satisfaction, ensure compliance, and enhance overall operational efficiency. This article explores how benefits administration can significantly impact your business in various positive ways.   Enhancing Employee Satisfaction and Retention   Employee satisfaction is a...
FTC Noncompete Ban: Employers’ Next Steps
FTC Noncompete Ban: Employers’ Next Steps
By Roy Maurer   While the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) new rule banning noncompete agreements faces legal challenges, workplace experts say employers should prepare for the rule by reviewing existing agreements, exploring alternatives and focusing on retention efforts, which have taken on added importance.   The FTC voted April 23 to prohibit most new noncompete...
Social Media Policies
Social Media Policies
Should a small business have a social media policy in their handbook? Absolutely. You need to be careful what you say, what you tell the employees they can and cannot do. But if the employee is representing their employer, absolutely there should be repercussions. If the employee says derogatory things about the employer there should...
Company-Wide Health Goals
Company-Wide Health Goals
Okay, so having a company-wide health goal, promoting wellness, promoting a healthy environment, healthy for the employees, different ways to do that would be to offer gym memberships. There are a lot of gyms will work with employers to give huge discounts so the employer can get that membership for the employee and promote wellness.
Why Choose People First, Inc. For Your Benefits Administration
Why Choose People First, Inc. For Your Benefits Administration
Choosing People First, Inc. for benefits administration could be beneficial for several reasons:   Experience and Expertise: People First, Inc. may have a track record of providing comprehensive benefits administration services. Their experience and expertise in managing employee benefits can instill confidence in their ability to handle complex tasks efficiently.   Customization: They might offer...
Retirement Benefits Highly Important To Gen Z
Retirement Benefits Highly Important To Gen Z
By Kathy Gurchiek   Looking to attract younger workers to your organization? Pay attention to your retirement benefits. Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of 2,518 undergraduate students surveyed said they wouldn’t accept a job that didn’t include an employer-administered 401(k) or similar benefit, according to a recent Handshake report.   Time off and health care coverage...
Thoughts on Stipends
Thoughts on Stipends
What are my thoughts on stipends? I think they’re great. Small businesses really can’t afford to provide health insurance. It’s too expensive. So, I have a lot of clients that are small businesses that offer a health insurance stipend. They pay $500 a month, they pay the employee through payroll, so it’s not on the...
Knowing Employee Goals
Knowing Employee Goals
Is it important to know from an employment perspective what the employee’s goals are? If you are an employer who wants to promote the right culture, I would say you want to be familiar with what direction your employees want to take, what their goals are so that you can help them accomplish it. Because...
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