Last week, my company had its quarterly planning session. As part of the session, we analyze the previous quarter to see how we did. We review the goals we set and determine the success we saw as a result of those goals. We are so proud of the fact that we were able to accomplish 100% of our goals and we exceeded the financial metrics we established for the quarter.
Being a part of a team that understands the process and is excited about setting goals (both company and personal) makes the world of difference. I saw my team members rally around the financial goals we set for the upcoming quarter and many times made the comment, let’s set the bar high so we can really make a difference to the bottom line. Wow!!!! I am so proud of us.
We now have our game plan for Q2 and have already started working towards the end of the quarter. We know that we have goals that are S.M.A.R.T. If you are not familiar with that acronym, I’d love to have a conversation with you.
My plan is to periodically check back with you so you can see how we are coming along and most importantly; I can’t wait to share our Q2 success with you when we get back together for our Q3 session.
What do you do with your company? Have you established goals for your company and your team? I guarantee you will see the fruits of your work if you do.
I’d love to share our experience with you and would love to hear from you. Please message me so we can set up a 1-2-1 to discuss further.
Barbara Flynn