When you are evaluating not just your clients, but you’re going to look at your team, you want to make sure you’ve got the right people in the right seat and that needs to be looked at. There may be the, organization could be changing and who was in the right seat at one point is no longer in the right seat.
So there are tools to use to evaluate individuals. I don’t know if I would go as far as there’s, Jack Welch used to say that each year he wants to eliminate the bottom 10% of his performers so that he’s constantly growing that business to be the best it can be. I’m a human resource person and I want to make sure I’m looking out for my people as well.
But I kind of get the idea of evaluating the people regularly, seeing if they get it, if they want it, and if they have the ability or capability of doing it. And then are they in the right seat? Do you have to move them into a different seat? And that different seat might be out the door.