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The Power of Goal Setting

June 13, 2024by People First0

The power of goal setting. This probably is the number one thing I would stress in any organization is to have goals. Any individual should have goals. And we all know, look at the first of the year, people make those resolutions. They need to be realistic, but a business needs to set goals. Otherwise there’s no direction.

And without direction, you’re just going to flounder through life. The business is going to flounder through its life. Is it making money? Is it not making money? What are we doing to direct the business in the right direction? Or do we have the ideal client? Maybe we need to look at who is our ideal client and how do we go about getting that ideal client and who are existing clients? Are they ideal? Or do we need to consider firing a client or two or more because they’re not our ideal client? And that’s important for business owners to do. It’s not about getting more businesses or more clients. It’s about having the right clients.

People First

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