9am - 5pm ( Mon - Fri )
1856 N Nob Hill Road #212 Plantation, FL 33322-6548


With unemployment being so low and the fact that it is an employee market, we find it even tougher to find good, qualified employees. How can we attract qualified applicants? By having well thought-out and well written employment ads. It starts with a current, accurate job description. You also want the ad to reflect your...

Unemployment is federally mandated, but state administered. What does that mean? Each state’s unemployment is handled differently. It is important for employers to know their state’s rules and how unemployment works. If an employer is opening their business up into a new state, they must register with that state and follow their guidelines. Rates also...

There are no laws that require employers to pay severance pay when an employee is terminated. However, it is critical that if an employer does have a severance policy, it should be documented. If a policy exists, it should be administered uniformly.  If not administered uniformly, the employer could be liable for discrimination. For example,...

My first response is always, document, document, document. It is so important to document any issues involving employees so that should any of the issues escalate to termination, you have the proof you would need to defend your actions. I’ve gotten so many calls regarding the need to terminate an individual but they are in...

Construct discharge occurs when an employer creates a hostile environment causing the employee to quit. If the employee can prove the employer made their life miserable to force them to leave the organization, this can cause legal issues for the employer. The employee would definitely be eligible for unemployment. Examples of construct discharge could be...

There are different types of disciplinary processes. Two main ones are progressive and positive. Positive discipline is exactly what the name is, it positively deals with employee performance issues and works closely with the employee to assist them in developing skills or behaviors to help improve the areas of deficiencies. If the employee doesn’t improve,...

Non-compete Agreements legally bind an employee from competing with another employer for a period of time after their employment terminates. They are typically used when an employer has proprietary information or materials that could cause issues if their competition gets the information. Non-competes need to be properly written or they may not be held up...

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People First, Inc.
Where everything begins and ends with people
1856 North Nob Hill Road #212
Plantation, FL 33322
Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via empowerment.
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