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1856 N Nob Hill Road #212 Plantation, FL 33322-6548


I just love getting little gifts. So one of the things you can do for a new hire is have a welcome kit. Provide a kit with company swag, a handbook, and any other relevant materials that can help new employees feel more connected. Now if you have more questions, I suggest you consult with...

One of the great success stories is having a buddy system for a new hire. Assign a seasoned employee as a buddy to new hires. This person can help the newcomer navigate the workplace, answer questions, and provide insights. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR professional.

Have you ever gotten that personalized card that made you feel warm and fuzzy? You should do that with your new employees. I suggest sending a personalized welcome message to new employees before their first day, expressing your excitement to have them on board. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced...

How do you welcome your employees to a new job? It’s not just about day one. It’s an ongoing process. Orientation and onboarding sessions are important. Organize thorough orientation and onboarding sessions to introduce new employees to the company’s mission, values, and culture. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR...

Core values are not stagnant, so you should regularly review and revise. As you grow and circumstances change, revisit your core values periodically to see if they still align with your beliefs and goals. Revise them if necessary. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR professional.

When developing your core values, you want buy-in, so involve others. If you’re developing core values for a team or organization, involve relevant stakeholders to ensure that the values resonate with the collective identity. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR professional.

When you’re working on your core values, you want to test for consistency. Ensure your core values are consistent with your actions. They should be reflected in the decisions you make and how you interact with others. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR professional.

When looking at your core values, you want to consider context. Think about how your values might be applied in different contexts, such as personal relationships, professional environments, and community interactions. If you have more questions, I suggest consulting with an experienced HR professional.

As you do when you’re developing goals, you want to be specific when you work on your core values. Add specificity to your core values so they’re not too vague. For instance, if respect is a core value, specify whether it applies to respecting individuals, diverse opinions, or the environment. If you have more questions,...

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People First, Inc.
Where everything begins and ends with people
1856 North Nob Hill Road #212
Plantation, FL 33322
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